Indoor air quality refers to air quality in and within buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of its occupants. Controlling and understanding pollutants indoors can reduce the risk of indoor health concerns. Health concerns may occur soon after exposure or years later.
Indoor air pollution sources that release gasses into the air are the primary causes of indoor air quality problems in buildings. Â Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutant levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions from indoor sources and by not carrying indoor air pollutants out of the home. High temperature and humidity levels can also increase concentrations of some pollutants.
There are other sources of indoor air pollution in buildings. These include oil, gas, kerosene, coal, wood, and tobacco products, building materials and furnishings as diverse as deteriorated, asbestos-containing insulation, wet or damp carpet and cabinetry or furniture made of certain pressed wood products, products for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies central heating and cooling systems and humidification devices and outdoor sources such as pesticides.
Therefore, controlling the materials inside a building is the best way to control indoor air quality and especially in existing buildings is through an increase in natural ventilation. With a lack of fresh air, pollutants will accumulate to levels that can pose serious health and comfort problems and the consequences affect our future health.
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